Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Story Starters

Sometimes it's difficult to find a fresh idea to get a story up and running.  But what I've done in the past few days is think about stories my Mom told me.  Granted, she's just passed and I'm getting through the mourning period and thinking about the funny anecdotes she told me has brought a smile to my face during this sad time.

Let me share one of the stories she told me when I was young enough to believe in wonderful notions like Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy.

She tells me that one day she was sitting on the bed and she heard a tiny voice singing.  It was unlike anything she'd heard before so she listened closer and yes, there it was again.  Definitely a faint voice singing. So she leaned over and looked under the bed and what do you think she found?  She says she found a little flea sitting on a matchstick in the middle of the potty singing "Red Sails in the Sunset".

I'm thinking that's where I inherited my love for the creative world of stories.

Are there any stories told to you that could kick-start a new story for you?

Happy creating my fellow writers!

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